What’s Next?

Speaker Law Firm Updates

Speaker Law Firm is quickly approaching 20 years of being in business! Though my practice is focused solely on family law, I expanded my firm’s services to include civil and probate appeals in 2024 with the addition of our Senior Civil Appellate Attorney, Elizabeth Parker. My team still remains relatively small, but we are mighty! Click here to read our most recent newsletter to stay up-to-date with all things Speaker Law.

“Kids Caught In The Middle” - Book Updates

My book, Kids Caught In The Middle: How Families Are Harmed When Judges Don't Follow The Law, was released in November 2021. I am not sure how more than 3 years have gone by! Nonetheless, it is time for an update:

  • Some of the problems I discussed have been fixed by appellate decisions.

  • There are new court rules designed to help families such as the ex-parte rule order rule MCR 3.207.

  • Legislation is changing the landscape of family court cases such as the Extreme Risk Protection Order Act and the Assisted Reproduction and Surrogacy Parentage Act.

But, there are more mistakes that need fixing… Stay tuned as we share more updates!